In 18-28 September Syrlasu LLP participated in SD at KOGCF.

SD activities included:

1. Repair activities on 9 separators at Unit-3;

2. Replacement of obsolete AC UPS units at main control building at Unit-3;

3. Welding and installation activities as per the project “Unit-3. Process water line jump over”;

4. Welding and installation activities as per the project “Installation of bypass around CPS-2 at Unit-3”;

5. Replacement of defective sections at 14” Unit-3-KPC pipeline.

In the context of difficult Covid-19 situation we managed to carry out all activities of proper quality in a safe and timely manner thanks to an excellent preparation, team work and responsible attitude to safety.

We thank all employees of Syrlasu LLP for your efforts and professionalism!
